Getting Over Yourself

December 12, 2011

Yes, it’s okay to talk about yourself if . . . .

Filed under: Observations,Tips — Barbara Rocha @ 12:01 pm
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It’s okay to talk about yourself if it’s to help somebody understand your point. You’re using your experience as an example. Because then you’re not really talking about yourself. And because you’re focused on making your point, and because it’s relevant to your message, neither you nor your audience will take it the wrong way.

It’s not okay to talk about yourself if you’re trying to impress people with how wonderful, intelligent, accomplished, special you are. You’re focused on yourself and so will they be. You won’t be invisible, you will be uncomfortable, and so will your audience.

When you’re clear on the difference you won’t be so reluctant to use your experiences to liven up and drive home your message.

December 8, 2011

How do you come up with good openings for a presentation?

Filed under: Observations,Tips — Barbara Rocha @ 11:09 am
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When you hear openings you like when you’re in the audience, make note of those that grab your attention and make you want to listen. For instance, some questions posed by the speaker cause you to engage and some turn you off. Figure out the difference, so if you’re going to use a question you make it work for you.

One of the most engaging questions I remember from a seminar I attended on using several software programs was, “What’s the most used piece of software in the world?” Wow. That made me begin to think about the answer which meant I was engaged–as was everyone else there. And none of us came up with the right answer.

There are lots of ways to start, and when you get in the habit of seeing what works for you as an audience member, you’ll begin to see possibilities everywhere: billboards, news stories, advertising slogans, bumper stickers, historic facts, movie titles, and much more.

Your opening matters as a way of getting your audience’s attention and of connecting with them. You need to do both for a successful presentation.

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